Downtown Alliance Memberships
The Downtown Mobile Alliance is a membership organization whose mission is to support the redevelopment of Downtown Mobile through marketing, advocacy and the management of Business Improvement District services.
As a business or property owner, you already have a stake in Mobile's downtown community. Alliance membership provides the opportunity to have greater influence on Downtown Mobile's accelerating revitalization and economic growth. Your Alliance membership will impact and improve your investment through programs which:
- Support economic development opportunities
- Affect the allocation of resources for Downtown Mobile
- Implement change in obsolete or inefficient policies
- Improve your visibility to patrons, residents, businesses and government
- Keep you informed of current issues in which you may want a voice
Membership is open to associations, partnerships, firms, corporations and businesses interested in the welfare and development of Downtown Mobile. Becoming a Member in the Downtown Mobile Alliance is the ideal way to contribute to the revitalization of downtown. Membership support is a vital, ongoing investment in our city's future.
Alliance membership tiers are provided to match your ability and desire to support downtown improvement programs. In selecting a membership category, please consider the extent to which you and your organization can benefit from a vital, thriving Downtown Mobile.
- Partnering with other downtown businesses and organizations to collectively improve the Downtown business climate
- Leveraging your investment with that of other businesses to create a fund for downtown marketing and retail recruitment
- Participation in activities and programs which make Downtown Mobile a vibrant, healthy community for businesses, employees, residents and visitors alike
- Availability of research, reports, analyses, articles and updates on projects and issues of interest to the Downtown community, including data analytics customized for your business
- Receipt of current and detailed articles about downtown activities, events and other Alliance-related news
- The ability to participate on Alliance committees and task forces and have a direct impact on public policy and improvements
- Listing as a member on the Alliance website
- Access to the Alliance staff for assistance with any issue affecting the success of Downtown Mobile
- Listing in the Alliance annual report
- Invitation to the Alliance's annual meeting to discuss the progress of Downtown Mobile's revitalization and review the Alliance's efforts
- Invitation to briefings on current downtown issues
- Use of Alliance board room with advanced AV stystems, during regular business hours, for your meetings and presentations
- Display of your business materials in the Downtown Information Center
- Eligibility for election to the Downtown Mobile Alliance Board of Directors