Downtown Mobile District Management Corporation
The Downtown Mobile District Management Corporation (DMDMC) is the property owner-funded management organization that coordinates enhanced services within the 75-block Business Improvement District (BID). Going far beyond basic City services, the BID provides beautification initiatives, concierge patrols, intensive litter collection and economic development programs that help to provide a clean, attractive, and vibrant downtown environment. The DMDMC also works with the City and County of Mobile to support projects that revitalize the downtown area, encouraging new business development, investment, and tourism in the City.
A BID is a distinct geographic area in which enhanced services - including ambassador services, cleaning of sidewalks, district management and economic development - are financed through annual property assessments on non-government owned property within the district's boundaries. Relying on public/private partnerships, BIDs are an effective way for property owners to improve the public environment and economic health of urban areas. Typically formed through local ordinance, BIDs enhance - and do not replace - services already provided by local governments and agencies. Maintenance of the infrastructure within the District remains the responsibility of the City and is not assumed by the BID. BIDs are a common tool in the management of urban areas. Currently, more than 1,000 BIDs exist in the United States.
The concept for the Mobile Business Improvement District (BID) grew out of a study commissioned by Main Street Mobile, Inc. in 2002. From there, a group of dedicated supporters tackled the job of passing the necessary state legislation and then "selling" the benefits of the program to downtown property owners. In 2005, after a majority of the property owners had approved the formation of the BID, the City Council gave its blessing and work began on the transformation of downtown. Every five years since then, the Mobile City Council has voted unanimously to extend the BID for another 5-year period.
The BID is supported by an assessment on property within the 75-block district. Assessment levels are based on a sliding scale, depending on value as determined by the County Revenue Commissioner. Owner-occupied, single-family residential property is exempt and property owned by a 501(c)(3) designated nonprofit organization and used for the purposes of the non-profit is eligible for a 50 percent reduction. Currently, there are 547 separate parcels in the BID, with a median annual assessment of $890. The lowest assessment amount is $9 and the highest is $56,210. Additionally contracts with the Retirement Systems of Alabama and governmental entities that own property in the BID provide $700,148 in income.
Click here for a map of the Business Improvement District.
Downtown Mobile District Management Corporation Budget - FY 2024-25
Downtown Business Improvement District Management Plan 2025-30